• Death of the Fox Brewing Company (map)
  • 119 Berkley Rd, Suite B
  • Clarksboro, NJ 08020
  • USA

Bilius Finbok was an English wizard that lived in Cornwall and worked in the British Ministry of Magic's Department of Intoxicating Substances. Finbok, a Hufflepuff, was proficient in the magical arts and science of potion-making, brewing many experimental mixtures in his spare time as an amateur Potioneer. These used an eclectic range of different ingredients, some of which were "illegally sourced".

He experimented in the brewing arts and became locally recognized as one the greatest wizard brewers since infamous Professor Fox. In the 1920s, he concocted a unique slightly darker version of Butterbeer which he claimed was derived from a elixir from the Middle Ages. He called his version "TRUE BUTTERBEER". It caused quite a local stir and is still served in many wizarding establishments in Cornwall today.

aFinbok was proficient in the magical art and science of potion-making, brewing many experimental mixtures in his spare time as an amateur Potioneer. These used an eclectic range of different ingredients, some of which were illegally sourced.

A mysterious owl delivered an old parchment with the original recipe to Death of the Fox last month. Apparently word has gotten out about our version of Professor Fox's famous brew. We are extremely excited to celebrate the coming of 2023 with this "true" version of an ancient Cornish butterbeer recipe!